Gifted Evaluations
Gifted evaluations are conducted to identify eligibility for talented and gifted programs, as well as to identify learning needs. Gifted children have unique needs that can lead to boredom in regular classes, asymmetrical development of skills, and socio-emotional challenges with age peers. Assessments for giftedness begin with an IQ test, with additional achievement testing if needed.
Why was a gifted evaluation recommended?
Gifted evaluations are recommended for a variety of reasons, including:
- Determining placement in school or enrichment programs
- Allow parents/caregivers to understand the specific learning needs of the child
How long will an evaluation take?
Gifted assessments can take from 2 hours to all day. After the interview, an IQ test will be given. Based on the patient's score, additional testing will be administered as needed.
How do I prepare for my evaluation?
Gifted assessments are not ones that require studying. There is no "pass" or "fail" on these tests. Therefore, coming to the appointment well-rested and giving one's best effort is sufficient preparation.